You don’t need an expert to tell you knowing how people use your website is key to making it better. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the perfect tool for the task; it’s free and easy to set up! To add…
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4 Min Read
61You’ve probably seen it on Reddit, Twitter, or Facebook. Someone writes “bone apple tea” instead of “bon appétit” or exclaims “wallah!” instead of “voila!” That’s an eggcorn. It’s when a word or phrase is mistakenly changed to something that sounds…
4 Simple Steps to Write a YouTube Video Script
4 Simple Steps to Write a YouTube Video Script
9 Min Read
579 Min Read
57Ever clicked on a YouTube video and found yourself glued to the screen from the first second? That magnetic pull is usually thanks to a well-written script that guides the video’s narrative, but how do you write YouTube script like…
I was recently proofreading an essay for a client when I noticed the following sentence: “Working at the center would allow me to explore different types of advocacy before honing in on the field best suited to my skills.” Did…
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